Jun 19Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Great end to the story, Steve! I have to say that if running ultras involves doing word problems in your head, I would be incredibly lost and have a very difficult time figuring out how long it would take me to get where I was going. I’m not very good at math but am glad you are:)

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Hahaha. Doing math has always been a skill I needed for work and life. If I could just maintain some speed I wouldn’t need to be calculating so much 🤣

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Jun 19Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Well, it’s good you can do the math then!😁

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Thank you for this peek into one of the friendliest, warmest communities around—the ultra/trail running community.

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So glad you can appreciate this MaryAnn. I really wish that the other communities I’m associated with were this inclusive and accepting.

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Yeah... when the best expression of "church" is found on the trails... or the 12 step rooms... or...

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I know you see me. Thanks MaryAnn🙏

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Jun 19Liked by TheUltraContemplative

loved it. not where I tought this was going but such a great stroy, I'm stoked to get back out on the trails!

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Glad you liked it, Ian. I'm curious to hear where you thought I was going with this. It's not exaggeration to say that running trails has impacted my life for the positive in immeasurable ways.

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Jun 19Liked by TheUltraContemplative

The other volunteers are scurrying over asking if they can load me up with food or hydration. I decline everything, but I am curious about this whole situation. They know I’m a sweeper so why are they giving me such royal treatment? I chit chat with Rich and Kathy and the others and they’re all thanking me and expressing their appreciation for me being there. They are all genuinely happy that I’m there with them and that I’m sweeping.

I’m smiling and laughing on the outside but the whole time I’m thinking,

“What the heck is going on here?”

It was the combination of the title of part 1 and this section that had me expecting that you were going to be cleaning up a dead animal or something along those lines. I was surprised and happy to see that it didn’t go dark 😂

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Hahaha...I can definitely see how I led you down that path and I agree with you, those flag sticks poking me was the worst part of the experience but happy that there was nothing gruesome or really serious that happened out there. And definitely, I would love to do it again.

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Jun 19Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Great story about persistence and the value of community.

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Thanks for the noticing and the comment Stan.

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Jun 25Liked by TheUltraContemplative

I was nervous for you, being out there alone in the dark, what a relief to finally see other volunteers at the end of the trail! Loved this story, thank you for taking us along :)

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

Sarah, I've run at night before but this was my first time alone. I have a healthy fear of night running but I don't let it dissuade me😉. Thank you for journeying with me!

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Jun 20Liked by TheUltraContemplative

I cant imagine how you accomplished that. You really had me with you!

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Quite frankly, it was really easy running because of all the stops I had to make. What made it challenging was trying not to get poked🤣

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Jun 20Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Such a good post. And as one of the runner who benefited from this orange flags, thank you so much!

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Thanks, Bret! Yeah, Keira’s races are known for being well-marked and it takes a lot of work to put those ribbons out there. I love her races because they are so carefully marked. Picking them up was fun, I’d love to do it again.

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Jun 20Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Fascinating, I was expecting a bear to be leading you in to the last station. Suspenseful!

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Haha! Thankfully, no bears. I have encountered them before but that’s for another story. Glad you liked the suspense!

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Jun 19Liked by TheUltraContemplative

“forest rangers whooping and hollering, and waving their arms as if they’re dancing the YMCA at a wedding reception.”….. this post is such a fun retelling of a grueling task that most of us would not think to meditate upon !!

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Well, you’re right. Most people don’t know what goes on…lol, they know better 🤣

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