Jun 14Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Great cliff hanger, Steve! I am struck by the community you write about and that you are a part of. It makes me think about all the smaller communities that keep people connected to each other. There are so many of them, and they are so important to lives of those in them. I'm also pondering the sweeper's role as time keeper and your comment that most people would finish without time constraints. Not sure I have anything enlightening to say about this, just made me think about the need for boundaries, even when the majority of people could get it done. I guess the boundaries are there to respect the whole ultra community (volunteers, etc.). Thanks for this!

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Thank you so much, Emily. Yes, it’s pretty interesting to see all the subcultures we can be involved in. My writing group here on Substack is encouraging my storytelling so cliffhangers are my thing 😉. I never suspected that non-runners would be so interested in my running stories but here we are. Stay tuned for the answers next week. Thanks again for your presence, friend. 🙏

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Jun 14Liked by TheUltraContemplative

I really enjoy your storytelling! I'm interested in your running stories because you're human and humans (and their stories) are really interesting!

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Jun 13Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Leaving us hanging, eh!

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Thanks Marsha! I love telling stories and cliff hangers are my jam 😃

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I love knowing the backstory for the races. It's so intricately planned. Cannot wait to see what the two bags are for!

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The hooded guy with sickle is good.

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Awww, thanks, friend. Hahaha, it tickles me that you always anticipate my next move.

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Im behind! I turned my email notifications off and now I have no idea what my Substack friends are up to. Ooops.

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Well, you're right about the twist for next week. :)) Sorry, won't make it today but I'll see you tomorrow.

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Oh I need to know more!!! Also I think we need a pic of you with your trash bags! 😂

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Thank you for being here, Christine! Honestly, this is going to be another story...the countless times I could have but DID NOT TAKE A PICTURE!!! Uggh, honestly kicking myself because I thought about it several times... oh well...more to come :))

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Jun 12Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Loved learning how tight-knit the running community is. I had no idea this was the case, but it makes so much sense. This is a great piece, can’t wait to read more!

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Jun 12Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Also got a good chuckle out of the repeating of “good, you’ll need them both” haha

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Thank you so much for being here, Sarah! Running an ultra is a very hard thing and not too many people are crazy enough to do it LOL, so yes, we all know each other, train with each other and encourage each other. I love reading comments like yours because it just affirms that people who aren't this crazy are really interested to learn about it. The trash bags are featured next week :))

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Jun 12Liked by TheUltraContemplative

I'm hooked by the storytelling. Eager for the next chapter.

Fascinated that you have run for 45 years

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Thank you so much for your reading and kind comments, Nina. Lol, one of the perks of getting older is that age can make you fascinating...thank you for the encouragement...for the writing and running. :)

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Jun 12Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Great story , a real page turner. You really build up the reader’s anticipation.

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Thanks Stan! Love the affirmation 💪

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Jun 12Liked by TheUltraContemplative

No one deserves it more!

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Wow! That’s a super kindness there! Thanks Stan!

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Jun 12Liked by TheUltraContemplative

I’m in. Can’t wait to hear what happens! I’ve got a few ideas…

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Haha, Ian I’m sure you do! Thanks for reading and commenting.

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