May 22Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Love this today. Also the voiceover is great and clear. Magnetic Desire is such a great title.

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So glad this all resonates with you, Kara. I’m getting more practice reading aloud :)

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May 22Liked by TheUltraContemplative

I am enjoying reading these pieces, Steve. I find myself waiting rather anxiously to find out what happens in the end, good stories! I also appreciate the information on magnetic desire. You have so much time to contemplate and be in nature as a result of your running. That’s really wonderful.

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Thank you so much, Emily. Everyday, when I’m out running, I make it a practice to dive into gratitude because I know I am very blessed and privileged to be able to do this. (Yes, I’m going to write a bit about gratitude someday :))

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May 22Liked by TheUltraContemplative

I look forward to it!

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May 22Liked by TheUltraContemplative

I am not a runner and considered to stop reading at the beginning. But, oh boy, so happy I continued. What a joy to read this essay. Thank you for sharing your experience. Our brain/mind is so powerful. You just have to not only know, but also remember how to train it. You are an amazing example of doing both physically and mentally. 💚

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Thank you so much for the kind words, Mary and as a professional, I take your compliments very seriously. Years of practicing both the physical and mental disciplines are so, so beneficial for me. If I can inspire others to just start, well then, I’ve accomplished something. Thank you again, Mary.

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May 22Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Rich detail about these elite athletic events and you touch on the concept of magnetic desire which has me intrgued, and waiting for the next chapter.

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Thanks, Nina. I just heard about magnetic desire recently so I’m still exploring myself.

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I've never heard of the concept of magnetic desire before, thanks for introducing that into my vocabulary. I wonder how it's similar / different than grit, as I've appreciated Angela Duckworth's take on that.

I love seeing the picture of you running!!!

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Thank you, Christine. I just heard about magnetic desire recently also. I’m not familiar with Angela Duckworth’s work so I’ll check it out. Haha, that’s one of those pictures where I’m actually running 😉

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May 22Liked by TheUltraContemplative

I’m inspired by your essays on this topic — also to wonder about magnetic desire in my life —

That’s the thing nobody talks about with these ultra running events we all keep signing up for — what keeps us doing it again ? Can we find words to describe what is the the powerful magnet? Can we apply this idea to our other “hard things” ??

Thank you for crafting these series of essays for us to learn and evolve !!

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Funny, you’re asking questions I’m going to address in future posts 😉

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May 22Liked by TheUltraContemplative

How you see yourself controls how you’re seen.

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Self awareness is key. Thanks for this, Stan.

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May 22Liked by TheUltraContemplative


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Thank you, @Rena for the restack.

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