
Thank you for the restack @KentPeterson!

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Jun 26Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Steve, your piece is exquisite. I really appreciate you sending it to me. I read it and listened to your audio. Loved hearing your voice speak your truth. These passages/lines resonated: “There is no air to breathe when truth strikes you so deep in your soul. It empties the air in your false self, forcing it out of you. You must will yourself to inhale again.” “I watch true love in action, marveling at the willingness, the desire to give, to share, to sacrifice for others. I ask myself then and continue asking myself the same question: “Can I love others like that?”

“I will never stop learning.” Teachers and lessons of life are everywhere as long as we are awake enough and introspective enough to learn them. And it sounds like you are wide awake! 😊 Thank you for the work you have done and/or are still doing for the homeless, not helpless. Helping those with home and food scarcity concerns is personally important to me. I make donations money and materials (not time, yet). I am inspired by your honesty and transparency.

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Lisa I am very appreciative and humbled by your kindness. I’m still considering all that I learned from working with these people and how much I changed and needed to change. Just listening to their stories, seeing how they dealt with life on their own terms really opened my eyes to the privilege I take for granted. I am always curious and I will always want to learn more.

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Jun 26Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Thanks for sharing that history from your life. I worked in a soup kitchen for a few years, and like you, it opened my eyes to many things...mostly about me. I particularly like the final sentence: I will never stop learning.

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I agree Marsha. I did this for years and was always amazed at how much I was learning about myself just by serving others. Still learning is another rule 😉

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One of the best you’ve written!

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Wow! Thank you MaryAnn, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's funny, I'm trying to show everyone I'm not a one-trick pony but everyone has their favorite trick😉

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Ah yes... you've probably heard the truism that every pastor only has three sermons they preach :-)

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Funny you say that. No matter what subject I was asked to preach on it was always my goal to point toward loving God and loving others… always seemed to keep me grounded and kept it close to the heart and out of just the head.

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Jun 26Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Such great wisdom. Thank you for sharing this story and living the life you do.

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Thank you so much Stan! Life is so varied and nuanced that I'm just reporting on what I see.

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Jun 26Liked by TheUltraContemplative

And we are grateful!

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"That's all she has to give" - what a powerful reframe and understanding of our neighbor. I enjoyed reading about all the "churchy things" you've done. And I want to read/hear one of the sermons you preached!

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Thank you Christine! It's been a few years since I preached, and even though I have PowerPoint slides for everything, I just made notes and riffed off of them...it was all ad libbed on the spot😀

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Jun 27Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Now there's love in action, without judgment or conditions. Thank you.

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Thank you Nina. Something I’m always hoping for, sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it’s the hardest thing ever.

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Jun 27Liked by TheUltraContemplative

This. This is love, isn’t it? Being humbled. Willing to learn. Offering what we have to give. What a beautiful story, Steve.

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Thank you, Christianna. Yes, being humbled, being in a learning position, all part of love but it’s something I’m always working on. There are always opportunities I miss, but being able to honestly reflect upon life and what it brings is the only way to lean into love.

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Jun 27Liked by TheUltraContemplative

Yes, yes! As I’ve grown into young adulthood, humility is the one characteristic I feel that I didn’t witness enough of, and so have been trying to approach the world knowing I don’t have all the answers and I might actually need to learn something first, before offering what I think the world needs from me. Much like you at the park!

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Exactly. 👍

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Beautiful, steve! I love learning about your life. Who did the visuals?

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“A thick layer of orangey red congealed fat that looks more industrial than edible always has me thinking twice. As I remain motionless, his eyes peer at me above his glasses.

Staring into my soul, he says, “Brother, that’s all she has to give.”

—-The profound reflections on small moments that most of pass by. Keep feeding us, Brother Steve….

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